What is the best way to raise our children?
Raising children is a complex and deeply personal journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some general principles and strategies that can contribute to raising well-rounded and responsible individuals.
I was raised in a Christian family with good principles
based on the scriptures and teachings of religious leaders. The way my mother
raised me helped me avoid making many mistakes that young people often make
regarding alcohol, sex, and drugs. I do not want to claim that the way she
raised me was perfect, but it played a significant role in shaping who I am
today. Of course, my mother made some mistakes or was sometimes overly strict,
and there were moments when I felt unloved. I remember a specific incident when
she promised to buy me a brand-new iPhone if I achieved a 4.0 GPA in high
school. I worked tirelessly, eagerly anticipating the promised gift. However,
at the end of the semester, she informed me that she didn't have the financial
means to fulfill her promise. I was disappointed and angry, which led me to
decide never to make deals with her again. However, I later understood that it
was her way of motivating me to work harder and achieve my goals. While this example
highlights how some parents believe in rewarding their children for good
behavior, I personally believe it may not be the best approach. Promising
rewards can lead to negative changes in children's attitudes if parents fail to
keep their word. Instead, parents should encourage their children to work hard
and surprise them with gifts or tokens of appreciation whenever the children
perform well or show effort.
Another common parenting approach involves excessive
protection, shielding children from facing the consequences of their actions.
However, the best way to raise children is to let them experience the
consequences of their choices, within reasonable limits. By doing so, parents
can help their children understand the outcomes of their actions and develop a
sense of responsibility. Of course, parents should step in when the
consequences of their children's actions are potentially dangerous or may have
long-term negative effects.
Parents can also try their best to promote religious or
moral teachings, parents should share their values and beliefs with their
children while promoting critical thinking and open-mindedness. Expose them to
different perspectives and encourage them to explore their own spirituality or
moral compass as they grow.
Setting clear boundaries and expectations is vital in
providing structure and guidance. Children need consistent rules and
consequences, as well as understanding the reasons behind them. By promoting a
balance between freedom and responsibility, parents can empower their children
to make informed choices.
It is unfortunate that in some states, like California,
parents are not allowed to oppose their children's decisions to change their
gender, and doing so can lead to legal consequences. However, it is crucial to
note that there are cases where children later regret the choices, they made
regarding gender change. The scripture says that "the Lord chastises those
he loves." In my opinion, the best example of raising a child involves
being friendly and approachable while setting clear boundaries and
expectations. Additionally, it is important to show appreciation when a child
does something good or meaningful.
In conclusion, raising children is a complex task, and there
is no definitive formula. However, creating a loving and supportive
environment, allowing children to face consequences, and striking a balance
between protection and independence can contribute to their development.
Parents should also share their values and beliefs while encouraging critical
thinking and openness to different perspectives. Flexibility, empathy, and
learning from mistakes are essential qualities for successful parenting.
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