The place of fathers in our societies

Today I would like to talk about the importance of having a father in the process of raising

children. Many people claim that there no harm in raising children without their fathers.

In some instances, I can understand because some fathers have been abusive and did not

provide at all for their family, so it makes sense in this situation to support this claim.

Living without a father can create both emotional and physical needs in the children behavior.

Fathers represent confidence in the house a person to who the children can look for comfort and


Living without him could increase behavioral problems in the children attitude.

 My nephew dad’s in the process of divorcing his partner went to France to work.  I was living

with them because the University I was attending was not too far from the place. No one at

home could calm my nephew when he was doing not the right things. He was consistently sad or

mad or rebellious at everyone. Luckily his father came back to take and go back to France.

 I talk with him on the phone sometimes and I was able to see how much he has grown and his

now an adult. I have lost my dad when I was 6 years. I grow up dealing with anxiety and

depression. My dad was the provider of the family. Our lifestyle falls from having three meals a

day to 1 per day. We have struggled all our life because of the absence of my father.

I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with my father and get to know him better.

Children tend to go look for comfort to their parents especially their fathers.

However, without the father protection it is easy for the kids to be make the wrong choices. Girls have seven times the chance to get pregnant while boys tend to become drug addict. Another great example of the need of fathers in our lives is the example of our Savior Jesus Christ and Elohim his father. God the father gave his power and permission to come and save the human life by giving his life. Jesus Christ during his ministering asked his father a lot of time for help and even comfort. The savior during his healthy ministering quoted his father a lot and even asking for help when he was about to raise Lazarus from the dead.

Another reason of debating about the needs of fathers is due to the evolution of the society. In fact, I personally think there are more reasons why the role of fathers has changed a lot. In the past I think that it was difficult for women to be get an education because the main believe was that “Women needed to stay home and take care of the kids". I know for a fact that this statement was true in my culture. Nowadays it is convenient to say that the mentality has changed, and women have limitless access to get an education. This can be both positive and negative.

The positive aspect is the fact that women can provide and support her husbands in the responsibilities, but the negative impact can be the feeling that "I am equal or even better than my partner or because I make more than my partner I can provide, preside, and protect my family without his help". Another reason the role of men has change in a relationship could be also about the new trend about FEMINISM, I do not know much about it but I have watched some podcast about the negative impact and the regret that some women have expressed about it.


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